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Bad Blood: Bad Duology Book One Page 9


  Feet braced, she held the sword at shoulder level, and stepped toward Crewe and to the right to avoid his attack as he taught her. His sword came down. They clashed in a clank of metal.

  “Good.” He countered, stepping forward and bringing his blade down. She leaned back and off center, dodging the blow. Lowering her sword, she kept him from taking another swipe. He allowed her to use steady pressure to control his use of the blade.

  “Excellent.” They found a rhythm and he increased his speed little by little. She did her best to keep up as he pushed her limits. Ignoring the burn in her arms she continued to block, and wait for her moment to thrust. His sword came down, faster than she could block, and bit into her shoulder. The pads took the brunt of the blow, but she stumbled back regardless.

  “I’m calling it for the day.” Sweat dripped from every pore. Her heart thudded in her chest, and her limbs were shaky from overuse. Hours spent pushing herself to the brink physically and emotionally as she accessed his muscle memory and training were finally taking its toll. Frustrated, she held her sword, blade facing down. Every day an invisible clock continued its relentless countdown and she never felt close enough to the goal. She’d never shot a gun or wielded a weapon in her knife, and now she was training like a Navy Seal preparing to go into a mission.

  “I can do more.”

  “We have plenty of other things to occupy us,” he reminded her gently. They’d yet to find a lead for the map or the worn notebook she’d seen in her vision. Everything she’d read since in the library had been helpful, but unrelated to their mission. She felt like she was missing a piece of the puzzle. Why show her that on the first day, only to remain elusive? “We will break to refresh ourselves, eat lunch, and retire to the library for the evening.”

  Lunch meant more than food. It meant an exchange of blood. Her stomach flipped and her mouth watered. The hunger rose inside of her, eager to be satiated. She raked her eyes over his fit form. The feeding had taken on a sensual tone. Licking her lips, she imagined the taste of strawberries filling her mouth as the thick blood coated her throat and gave her strength. There was an intimacy in being nourished by another person.

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  “Your eyes are purple.” His eyes flashed red in return.

  “I’m parched.”

  “A gentleman never makes a lady wait.” He removed his neck guard. She stepped forward, hypnotized by the expanse of flesh he’d revealed. Tilting his head to the left, he cupped her head and pulled her toward him. She nuzzled his neck, inhaling his scent like a cat. Sucking his skin into her mouth, she groaned as his sweetness bled through the pores.

  “You ready?”

  She released his skin with a pop. “Yes.”

  He lengthened his nail and slashed his neck. The scent of blood sent her into a frenzy and she latched on, moaning as the liquid trickled into her mouth. A split second later his teeth sank into her neck. Her body shuddered as pleasure rolled through it. Her knees weakened, and she leaned on him heavily. He pressed her closer and they pulled the blood out in tandem. Pushing her thighs together, she tried to relieve the pressure building. Her flesh prickled with awareness, and her body tingled. She wrestled down the urge to rock against him. Prying her lips away, she breathed heavily as she watched him through lowered lids.

  The ruby eyes that once frightened her, now held their own beauty. She traced their deep-set shape, marveling at the ability to explore the powerful being holding her in his arms. He licked the leftover blood from her lips and she moaned. “Crewe.”

  “What do you want, Keeta?”


  He lapped at her neck, sealing his bite marks. “Then you’ll have me.”

  When he lifted her in his arms, she wound her legs around him. “I need a shower.”

  “Let me take care of that.” He captured her lips and she lost herself to his clever tongue, trusting him to get her to the room safely. Trailing her fingernails over his scalp, she bit his bottom lip. He shuddered, and she rejoiced in the brief control she had over him. Nipping and sucking her way down his neck, she teased him relentlessly. The whoosh of air around her made her laugh as he used vamp speed. They stopped at his door.

  “Are you sure—”

  Her lips pressed against his was the only answer she could manage around the lump that formed in her throat. It’d been a long time since she’d had physical contact with a man. Between working to fulfill her dreams, and healing from psychic annihilation, she’d been busy and in no shape to be that vulnerable with anyone. Unlocking the door, he slipped inside.

  “Wait here, while I prepare everything?”

  She nodded and slid down his body meekly before landing on her own feet.

  “What’s wrong, love? You nervous?”

  “I’ve never had anyone treat me like this.”

  He scowled darkly. “You deserve nothing less. I’ll make you forget all of the boys who came before me. Knight’s promise.” His words made her quiver as he moved through the door that housed a modernized bathroom. Sinking down on a chair, she placed her hands in her lap and waited, clearing her mind.

  “You’re thinking too much.”

  She glanced up at Crewe and smiled. He could no longer sneak up on her. “That means I’m not doing my job well.” Kneeling in front of her, he untied her sneakers and pulled off her socks. His hands skimmed over her muscles as he stripped her clothing off one article at a time. She stood before him in nothing more than a black sports bra and matching boy shorts.

  “You’re more beautiful than I imagined.” His fingertips skimmed over her belly and her muscles twitched in response. “Hold that thought.” He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and flashed away, returning with a small sweet smile that melted her internally into a puddle. Holding out his hand, he guided her into the bathroom. Candles flickered on the marble counter, and mounds of bubbles floated on top of the claw-footed bathtub.

  “You did all of this for me? I’m shocked you had it laying around.”

  “Baths were a luxury in my time. The water was often tepid, and soaps were handmade and harsh. I indulge in toiletries now and candlelight makes me remember my time.” The more he opened up, the more attractive he became.

  “I feel underdressed.” She bit her bottom lip as guilt swept over her. What was he getting out of this?

  Framing her face with his hands, he rested his forehead against hers. “I’ve never had a woman who mattered before. My life was harsh and unpredictable. I knew I’d never take a wife or carry on my name. Being with you like this is more than I ever let myself hope for. You please me by allowing me the honor of being intimate with you.”

  How can he be real? Once she peeled back his layers, she’d discovered a priceless treasure.

  “You’re mine. I plan to worship every inch of you.” He ran his finger along the edge of her bra, sending goosebumps over her flesh. “Lift your arms.” She obeyed, only breaking their gaze when the fabric obscured her vision. Hooking his thumbs into her underwear, he rolled them down, and helped her out of them and toward the tub.

  She stepped over the sides and sank into the blissfully warm water that smelled of lavender. Resting her head against the edge of the tub, she studied him as he grabbed a flannel and lathered a bar of thick handmade soap. He grabbed her hand, gently washing her skin with a focused attention that made her feel like a queen. The enormity of things they had to accomplish was forgotten. She clung to the joy bubbling up inside of her.

  Clean, she sat up and crooked her finger. “Come here.” He leaned in and she captured his bottom lip, biting down hard enough to draw blood. He groaned as she drank from his wound. Moving back, she licked the last drops as he healed.

  “It’s awfully lonely, and you’re overdressed.”

  “Impatient, are we?”

  She nodded her head, drinking him in as he quickly removed his clothing. Muscles flexed under pale skin. He moved like a large cat, stalking its pr
ey. His eyes flickered from red to blue as he joined her.

  “Come here.” His voice dropped an octave as he pulled her to sit on his lap, his legs on either side of her body.

  “I don’t get to clean you?”

  “There’s no point. The rest of my plans involve getting filthy.” He rolled his hips and she gasped. Their wet bodies slid together. She arched her back and lost herself to the seductive spell they were weaving as they joined more than their spirits.

  * * *

  The crack of thunder, preceded by a bright flash of lightning, drew her attention from the words that swam on the yellowed pages in front of her. Her skin prickled. Hairs begin to rise, and she shifted in her seat. “This storm is wrong,” she whispered. There was power building up behind the weather, or perhaps causing it.

  She stood and walked from the table, pressing her nose to the cold glass like a child. “Who knows we’re here?” Nervous energy added to her anxiety. Clouds raced over the sky, blocking out the full moon. A slash of lightning exploded, turning the clouds an eerie neon green. Swirling fog crept over the grounds.

  “Wrong in what way?” Crewe joined her to watch the abnormal display.

  “It’s unnatural. Can’t you feel it?” She opened their link, letting her emotions bleed into his.

  He tensed. “Are we under attack?”

  “I’m not sure.” The words felt like a lie. People didn’t work this kind of magic for shits and giggles.

  “I’m not taking a chance. Let’s get to a more secure location.”

  She smiled sadly. “There’s no place you can hide from magic. It’s specific like that. Standing your ground, and hoping you have enough magic to equal or overpower the other person is all you have. Focus. This is no novice.” Lightning struck the ground close to the castle. She twitched. It struck again closer, turning up the ground. A wind tunnel began to form, the base as dark as night.

  “They’re calling me out.”


  The evil feeling of black magic crawled up her spine. She knew the signature well.

  “Genevieve. The Priestess.”

  “Can you defeat her?”

  “Before? No. Now.” She shrugged. “It’s hard to say. Why is she looking for me?”

  “She must know who you truly are.”

  She rubbed her arms to counter the chill setting in. “If she did, she never would’ve let me go.”

  “How did you escape her the first time?”

  She bowed her head. “I found a suitable replacement. I seduced a witch with latent powers, gave her a place to belong, and showed her all of the pretty things that came along with the coven. Once she was hooked, I was freed.” Her throat swelled. “I’m not proud of what I did—”

  “But we all do what we must to survive.”

  Saline blurred her vision as she nodded. A boom went off directly above the house. The rumble seemed to shake the ground.

  “She won’t stop.”

  “You can’t mean to go out there.”

  “I have to.” Her gut pulled her toward the front door. She turned, and the hem of her deep pink dress skimmed her toes. Better to remain barefoot, so she could tap into the earth’s energy. Unlike years before, she felt no fear. Calm descended over her as she made the long trek through the castle at a leisurely pace. Let her wait. She no longer owns you. The voice inside enhanced her confidence and helped snap the lingering chains that held her tight to the way things once were. Once you’d given your submission to a person, it was hard as hell to take it back completely.

  Crewe trailed behind her, brooding and apprehensive. It wasn’t in his blood to remain on the sidelines. He wanted to be in the thick of it, defending her. Her heart swelled. They reached the front door, and she turned to face him. Placing her hands on his chest, she looked up. “I know you’ll want to help, but this fight is mine.”

  “If you’re hurt—”

  “All I’m asking you to do is be backup. Not the front line.”

  His jaw clenched, and he nodded. He brought his hand up to his wrist, sank his fangs in, and then brought it to her lips. “Drink.”

  She latched on to the sweet nectar and sucked it down in greedy mouthfuls. His power charged her like a battery. The wound healed and she pulled back, licking her lips. Centering herself, she used her power to push the heavy door open and stepped into the howling winds, head held high. Her feet padded along the wet stone as she moved toward the grassy knoll where a figure stood in a black dress, shrouded by darkness. She knew all of the intimidation tactics, so she dismissed them. Genevie might be using the same old tricks, but she had a new bag of them to unleash.

  Shield lifted, she flinched at the lightning strikes raining down on either side of her. The ground shook under the onslaught. She stumbled as the earth rocked, but never fell. Using her newly gained speed, would be giving away her hand. For now, she’d play the role to gather as much information as possible. Genevie threw back her hood and scowled. Her slender, oval-shaped face was every bit as flawless as she remembered. No wrinkle dare mar her forehead or around her deepest black eyes. Full lips painted black turned down. Her eyebrows drew together as she looked at her with disgust.

  “What do you want, Genevie? Our business was concluded long ago.”

  “And yet, I hear you of all the beings on this planet are the key to a revolution. I knew I shouldn’t have let you go. Of course, once I have your blood, there’s nowhere you could hide that I wouldn’t find you.”

  “Here I stand in plain sight.” Keeta held up her arms.

  “Do you think your vampire will help you?”

  She smirked. “I don’t need him.”

  Genevie blinked. “Bold. Have you forgotten who I am?”

  “No. I’ve discovered who I am.”

  “This is our chance to rule. The vampires are unstable. Soon the wolves will turn on one another to determine pack hierarchy. It’s the opening we’ve been waiting for. Humans will be the ones to hide in the shadows.”

  “And you think witches, who mostly strive to keep the balance, will be on board for this? The darkness needs the light to exist. What do you suppose would happen if you removed one?”

  “Always a bleeding heart. It’s why you never lasted. All of that power wasted on ideology.”

  “Morals and compassion,” Keeta disputed.

  “Weakness spelled by another name has the same meaning. I’m here to take you back. You’re a hot commodity.”

  “Then we’ve reached an impasse because I’m not going anywhere with you.”

  Throwing back her head, Genevie laughed. “I was hoping you’d say that.” She lifted her hand and brought it down in a sweeping motion. Lightning struck the place Keeta once stood.

  “What sorcery is this?” Genevie hissed.

  “Didn’t they tell you I was different?” She continued to dodge the lightning strikes as she wove her way through the trees that lined the property and searched for others. Genevie rarely played fair.

  “Not so different I see. You’re still running.” The smell of another witch came from inside of the maze. Got you. She dug her heels into the perimeter of the maze, making a small trench. Infusing the lines with her power, she began to mouth a spell. “I bind you from doing harm. I call on the archetypal energy.” The hedge rustled. A tall, thin witch with thick chestnut-colored hair and a heart-shaped face twisted into a feral expression greeted her.

  “Harper.” Seeing the dark aura surrounding the once sweet girl opened the wound.

  “I’ve been waiting a long time for this moment,” Harper whispered.

  “I’m sorry.”

  A blast of energy nailed Keeta in the back. She flew into the air, landing on the lawn twenty feet away. She coughed, wincing as she struggled to bring air into her lungs. The fog rose up to conceal her body. She gained her knees slowly. Reoriented, she sped away.

  “Come and face me, you coward.” Harper’s shrill cries smacked of insanity. If she took out Genevie, the girl w
ould falter. A clap of thunder followed a rapid-fire lightning display. The rain came down in thick sheets that obscured her vision and threw off the traces of others.

  The ground cracked beneath her feet. She teetered on the edge of the rapidly forming chasm. Regaining her balance, she jumped back. Spinning, she saw Genevie a few feet away. Keeta channeled the rain into a waterspout that slammed into the other witch like a concrete wall. She followed the attack with a blast of crackling blue energy.

  Shoved to the side by another witch, she pulled the fog up to hide her position as she dodged a blow. Her body went stiff when she was hit by a nasty hex.

  “Hold her,” Genevie cried.

  Throwing her head back, Keeta cracked Harper’s nose. A metallic aroma filled the air as she broke free from the bind. Pivoting on her heels, she kicked Harper in the gut. The gloves were off. Softening the dirt, Keeta made a downward motion. Harper screamed as she sank into the marshy ground up to her neck.

  “I bind you, Harper Peede, by the blood spilled on the grounds of my property, from causing harm to others in this space. May the ground swallow you whole if you raise a hand.” White strands of magic wove around her and disappeared as they sank into her skin. “Next time I’ll do more than take your magic temporarily,” she snarled.

  Pain erupted on her back. She cried out as her skin split, and blood trickled onto the dress.

  “Still leaving a blind spot.”

  She turned, gritting her teeth. “Still sending others to do your dirty work and unable to win a fair fight.”

  “Do you truly believe you could beat me?” Genevie screamed.

  “Let’s find out.” She sent the energy out of her body in a dark flame. Hitting her knees, she watched as the black flames caught the hem of her dress. Genevie struggled to extinguish the unnatural flames. Pouncing on her distraction. Keeta channeled the fear, anger, and hate she held in her heart for the priestess she slashed down, honing her powers like a sharpened blade. Crimson blood flew as her spell hit. Balling her fists, she infused the priestess with pain. Genevie collapsed.